
Lobia ki kheti

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

A large amount of protein is found inside the cowpea, due to which it is also called the powerhouse of protein. Lobberia is very beneficial not only for humans but also for animal health. For your information, let us tell you that protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients are also present in plenty in cowpea. Protein is an essential element to keep our body healthy for a long time, which also helps in fighting the body's muscles and fighting various types of diseases. Whenever there is talk of protein, its main source of milk, ghee etc. is considered. But, do you know that the amount of protein is more than all this in cowpea. Lobia contains a very good amount of protein. Lobia is also called a superfood. Because it is a powerhouse of protein. It is very beneficial not only for humans but also for the body of animals. Lobia is green fodder for animals, which increases the capacity of milk production in milch animals to a great extent. The amount of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other nutrients is also found inside the cowpea. It is in a green granular shape. Today we will tell you about the advantages and other important information of cowpea.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefits due to cultivation of cowpea

What amount of nutrients are found in cowpea

Protein content- 100 grams of cowpea contains about 25-30 grams of protein.

Fibre content- About 100 grams of fibre is found in 16-25 grams of cowpea.

Complex carbohydrates are in the volume of carbohydrates.

Iron quantity- Lobia is rich in iron. Apart from this, it also has plenty of vitamin C and folate.

Not only this, the early fresh leaves and stalks of cowpea also have nutrients. It contains a few percent raw protein, 3.0% ether extract and 26.7% raw fibre etc.

What are the benefits of consuming cowpea

If you regularly consume cowpea, then you will definitely reduce your weight quickly.

Consumption of cowpea makes the digestive system very strong.

If you are suffering from any heart related disease, then you should consume cowpea.

Lobia is also very beneficial for the disease of not sleeping at the exact time at night and other diseases related to it.

Lobia helps in boosting immunity.

Lobberia controls blood sugar level. If you are struggling with diabetes i.e. diabetes, then definitely consume cowpea.

 Farmers will get excellent profits from these five varieties of cowpea.

Farmers will get excellent profits from these five varieties of cowpea.

Farmers can achieve excellent production of about 100 to 125 quintals in 50 days by growing improved varieties of cowpeas in the field. There are different types of cowpea varieties available in the market, but to get the best production, farmers should choose Pant Lobia, Lobia 263, Arka Garima, Pusa Barsati, and Pusa Rituraj varieties.

Cowpea is a type of pulse crop that is cultivated mostly by small and marginal farmers in India. This crop gives good production even on less land, which is why it is popular among farmers. Cowpea can be cultivated in both the Kharif and Zaid seasons. However, by planting improved varieties of cowpea, farmers can earn good yields in every season. Today, we bring you information about five improved varieties of cowpea, which can help you get a yield of 100 to 125 quintals per acre. These varieties generally become completely ready after ripening in 50 days. If you want to get huge profits from the cowpea crop, it is important to plant excellent and good varieties in your field.

Five amazing improved varieties of cowpea
Pant Lobia variety

The plants of this species of cowpea are about one and a half feet tall. It takes 60 to 65 days for Pant Lobia to become ripe after sowing in the field. This variety of cowpea provides a yield of 15 to 20 quintals per hectare.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefit from cowpea cultivation

Cowpea 263 Variety

This variety of cowpea is an early crop, which ripens in the field in a time interval of 40 to 45 days. Farmers can get production up to about 125 quintals per hectare from the Cowpea 263 variety.

Arka Garima variety

Arka Garima variety of cowpeas gives excellent production during rainy and spring seasons. Arka Garima variety ripens in a time interval of 40-45 days. Let us tell you that it gives a yield of about 80 quintals per hectare.

Also read : Cowpea cultivation: A boon for farmers as well as milch animals.

Pusa rainy season

It is known from the name of this variety of cowpea that if farmers plant it in their fields during the rainy season, they will get excellent yields. The beans of the Pusa Barsati variety of cowpea are light green. This variety is approximately 26 to 28 cm long. Also, it ripens in the field within 45-50 days. This variety gives production up to 85-100 quintals per hectare.

Pusa Rituraj variety.

This variety of cowpea is considered very good to eat. The beans of this variety are green in color. Also, it gives a yield of about 75 to 80 quintals per hectare.